Google adds service to update Hangouts on Air

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The new view video on full screen by default only when the display using a single camera, and thus remove the thumbnail at the bottom of the main display, which does not need them at a single broadcast of a single camera.

The full-screen mode "Full screen" will be available as an additional option when there is more than one participant in the chord, but not by default, as is the case in a chat with one party.

This was announced Google recently added a new feature to the service "Hangout", which mute the microphone automatically, those who join the talks "Hangout" or hearings on the air "Hangout On Air" from the fourth person, and the goal is to reduce the noise caused by the to join the talks late.

Noteworthy that Google has launched a video chat service on the air for all users in May / last in 2012, which became a way suitable for some musicians and other broadcast concerts and live video directly.

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