Twitter launches Vine officially publish short videos

Social network Twitter announced today via her blog official launch of Vine service devoted to recording and publishing short video clips within tweets, which does not exceed 6 seconds at the latest.The company aims through this service to activate the role of short video in the dissemination of ideas and news within tweets easily, which comes complete with sound as well, with a button in which you can mute the sound and restart.The company launched its official application for this service on the platform iOS, to enable mobile users to iPhone and iPod from the registration and publication of sections easily on their accounts within Twitter. This application is available for free on the Apple Store for applications. The company explained that it is currently working on developing applications for various other operating systems.The Panel noted the service that they are delighted to be part of Twitter, and made it clear that it is possible for the user to use the application of the service without the need for a Twitter account, but the best and fastest is to log Twitter account.Referred to as the CEO of the company "Twitter", was published yesterday note containing a video clip was shared across the service, which confirmed that the micro-blogging site aims to include video in Ngredath using this service.

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