Sony unveils headphones and wireless speakers NFC technology

سوني تكشف عن سماعات ومكبرات صوت لاسلكية بتقنية NFC
Sony has announced a set of headphones and wireless speakers supporting NFC

Sony has announced a range of new high-quality accessories that support NFC. These accessories are wireless speaker Speaker, Ear and head for wireless, can all be linked easily with any phone or a tablet PC supports NFC technology.
Flagship product is the loudspeaker on a ball SRS-BTV5, and despite its small size Vsute large and of high quality according to preliminary reviews of him that have emerged during the exhibition CES 2013. And can broadcast music from your phone or tablet computer that supports NFC once touching the two devices, and then create a Bluetooth connection with a high quality for use in broadcast music.
Loudspeaker supports the possibility of making phone calls, and in the case received a phone call during the broadcast music, the music will stop automatically and the user can respond and talk about after through the loudspeaker and not over the phone, thanks to the presence of the device's microphone.
Sony has also announced Head Phones Ear, headphones are for those who want a superior audio experience, and earphones easy to navigate and listen while walking or sports, with complete control buttons music. The speakers can be linked to the phone via NFC with a single click, without the need to adjust the Bluetooth between two devices at a time.
It is noteworthy that these devices are compatible with any device that supports NFC and not just Sony. Sony also did not announce prices or availability date in the markets.

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