Security experts are advised to disable Java after the discovery of a serious loophole

New loophole was discovered in Java and many experts advised disable pending block Oracle gap

Provided specialized experts in electronic security and protection tips for computer users need to disable Java software, after the discovery of a dangerous security gap yesterday could be exploited by hackers to attack their computers, according to Reuters.
He said three experts in the field of computing security, told Reuters on Thursday that computer users should disable Java additions to protect themselves from any possible attack.
The laboratory manager AlienVault "Jimmy Blasco" that Java in a state of chaos, which is not safe, and should be disabled if they are present.
The "HD Moore" CEO Rapid7, a company specializing in helping companies discover critical security holes in their networks, that this time is an open hunting season for consumers. He added that the programs and mechanisms that work on most operating systems such as Windows and Mack Enkos, are more vulnerable to attack than others.
He said "Marc Maiffret" President Technology Department at BeyondTrust, that businesses may need to continue to use Java to access some sites and software on the Internet that require the presence of this technology, and this is the challenge basically, they are obliged to use such applications. He added that Oracle can do a lot to secure the best form of Java, and to coordinate their movements on a regular basis.
In response, a company spokeswoman said Oracle manufacturer of Java, it could not immediately comment on regarding this issue.
Noteworthy that the risk of such attacks is high now because of the development of several popular tools used to attack computers that contain software additions based on the Java language and contain newly discovered gap, according to some security experts.
The Java code from the main software used, where they have been installed on hundreds of millions of computers all over the world, which enables programmers to write a program using one set of code that can run on most types of computers and operating systems.
Java is used by Web developers to reach through to computers through browsers, whether the user's operating system is Microsoft Windows, or Mac OS Apple's. And computer users can access to these programs by installing Java plug-ins that work on most browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer.

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