"Linked In" service stops "asking questions" the end of January

'لينكد إن' توقف خدمة 'طرح الأسئلة' نهاية يناير

Announced "Linked In" social networking business, its intention to stop the service "answers Linked In" LindedIn Answers starting from January 31 (January) month.The company said in an email sent to the network users on Thursday, it would halt service answers by January 31 (January), by contrast, will focus "Linked In" efforts on developing new methods and more effective to share and discuss topics professional across the network, and added that he can still
Observers believe that the reason behind the move is the limited service and they were not required effective.The "Linked In" had been raised this service in 2007, so that allows users to ask questions to other users with whom there is direct contact or even contact of the second stage, that these replies to those questions. The service enables the questioners of the classification and evaluation of the answers and users who give the best answer.

It should be noted that this step comes after he announced the social networking site "Facebook" in October (October) the past it would stop service to ask questions, because he, like other social networks, did not succeed in competitive service "Quora" where 1.5 million visitors per month , according to July statistics (July).

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